She wants help : The Rent-A-Battalion blog
2nd Battalion 3rd Marines Vietnam Veterans Association

She wants help

by Donna Fuller on 03/19/19

Hi, Ron

My name is Ashley Miller. I came across your page while searching the 2nd Battalion 3rd Marines page. My Father (Cpl. Dennis C. Miller) was a Marine who served in Vietnam. He was a part of Operation Scotland 2, Lancaster 2 and Kentucky. I recently received his military paperwork from the national archives. My Father passed away June 2017. About 12 years ago he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and then shortly after developed severe dementia. He always told me when I got older he would tell me about the war. Unfortunately that wasn't able to happen as he didn't even know who I was after a couple years. I know Vietnam played a major role in his life as he was only a young teen when he enlisted. He received 8 medals/awards one of them being a purple heart. My Dad was everything to me. So finding out more about his life is very important to me. Not sure if anyone would remember him or knew him on the page, but I am curious. 

I saw in order to post anything, I would need to e-mail you. I am just hoping to maybe know a little more about my Dad. After the Marines he went on to be a police officer in a suburb of Chicago. My Dad was a warrior until his last day. I really hope I can find someone who maybe knew or served with him. 

I thank you so much for taking the time out to help me or post this e-mail. As always, thank you for your service as well.

Ashley M. Miller

Address to follow

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