reunion?? : The Rent-A-Battalion blog
2nd Battalion 3rd Marines Vietnam Veterans Association


by Ron Poness on 02/10/16

To any officers:

  Many questions about the reunion.  Do you have anything I can put on website or tell anyone.  I will post on the opther website also.

2.  How do we contact you on the contact officer page?

3. Dave, sorry I lost you e-mail address please send it to me

Comments (4)

1. Justin Huffman said on 2/14/16 - 01:41PM
Does anyone remember LCPL Nicholas Koehler? Killed on May 08, 1965. He was with H&S Scouts. Was also a gold glove boxer. I'm his great Nephew. I would like to know exactly what happened to him if any of you were there. I didnt see a spot where I could start a new tooic, hope its not a problem I left this as a comment on your reunion. Email me if youd like Huff807@yahoo.Com Thank you!!
2. Poness said on 2/18/16 - 09:29AM
If you need to leave a comment e-mail to me, tell me to post it. Also try other website 2/3/3 in Vietnam SF Poness I was there at the time but do not remember him, sorry.
3. Carl said on 2/18/16 - 10:48AM
I served with Nick. I was on radio net when he was hit. A good friend was the radio operator on that mission. I will send you an e mail with his email so you can contact him directly. As I recall, Nick was on point and a sniper shot and the round went off Nick's rifle and then hit him in the chest. Captain Sylva S-2, ran forward and got Nick.Nick was KIA instantly. Good Marine S/F Nick
4. Ray Madonna said on 6/1/16 - 01:53PM
Ron give me a call when you get a chance. 410 490 2680

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