March 14, 2005 Message from Mick
by Donna Fuller on 03/14/25
Greetings Marines, This message is being emailed (Subject: INFO B; DUES; 3/13/25) to all on my contact list. It will then be posted to the "Message Board" of our Official 2/3 VVA Website. Please forward this message to any 2/3 Marine (RVN) that you know.A couple of months ago, the Third Marine Division Association (T.M.D.A.) predicted they would have 2025 Reunion Information available in February or March 2025.We are all still waiting for the Registration Info for both the Hotel and separately for the Reunion Activities.This week, I'll be speaking with Treasurer Art Ferguson and President Bob North of the T.M.D.A. by phone. You'll get an update after those 2 phone calls.HERE'S THE MOST IMPORTANT ITEM IN THIS EMAIL.MAKE SURE YOUR DUES ARE UP TO DATE!!! MY BEST ADVICE IF YOU'RE NOT PAID IN FULL IS TO GET CURRENT WITH YOUR DUES NOW.DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR REUNION REGISTRATION FORM FROM "ARMED FORCES REUNIONS, INC". IF YOU'RE NOT CURRENT WITH YOUR DUES, YOU WON'T GET ANY BENEFITS THAT PAID-UP MARINE MEMBERS MIGHT GET! THIS MAY BE A BIT DIFFERENT FROM HOW YOU'VE PAID YOUR DUES IN THE PAST.I CAN'T EMPHASIZE IT ENOUGH. IT'S $5 PER YEAR. DON'T BE LEFT OUT. PLEASE GET YOUR DUES CURRENT!Hope y'all are staying healthy and don't get bitten by the flu bug that seems to be sweeping the Nation.Semper Fidelis. Mick
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