Interesting Note from Mick Hughes
by Donna Fuller on 05/08/19
Good morning Marines,
Our web site is looking good thanks to the hard work and efforts of Eric Shierman and Donna Fuller (don't have her e mail). Many thanks to them both.
Please allow me to bring to your attention some observations of our web page (the one @ homestead) that I believe need some tweaking. If I've missed something, kindly enlighten me.
There doesn't seem to be any "contact us" tab.
Our 2/3 V.V.A. logo is not displayed.
Our by-laws aren't posted.
The 4 optional tours for 2019 are still posted. Didn't we vote out two and vote in two?
My name continues to appear on "F" Company's roster. In spite of numerous efforts over the years to have it changed. I affiliate with "81's". If that's not possible, list me with "H&S"
A few more comments to inform all and put us on the same page. Our Association has a name. And 2/3/3 is not it. As a matter of fact, if I recall, the membership voted specifically to NOT ever use 2/3/3.
Voting on Association matters takes place at the Membership Meeting held during the Annual Meeting. If a 2/3 V.V.A. Marine wants to vote, he must be physically present at the Membership Meeting. No proxy votes, no phoning in votes, no mailed in ballots, no e mail ballots, etc., etc. Our Membership has discussed this issue a couple of times before. At this late stage of the game, it might be wise to think twice before changing any aspect of our By-Laws.
Especially in light of the current Commandant's directions, singing of the U.S.M.C. Hymn should happen at least once during our Annual Reunions.
Introduction of new Marine & Corpsmen Members should take place early in the Annual Reunion (before the "Welcome Dinner"?), twice if necessary. Reminders to wear name badges for the duration of the Annual Reunion should occur at all our sanctioned events.
We're looking forward to seeing our 2/3 Marines and Corpsmen in Portland, September 2019!Semper Fidelis.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mick Hughes
No thanks to me, Poness Thanks Mick :-) kidding
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