Dues From Fergy : The Rent-A-Battalion blog
2nd Battalion 3rd Marines Vietnam Veterans Association

Dues From Fergy

by Donna Fuller on 11/16/20


Please review your Membership status on our website:  Second Battalion Third Marines Vietnam Veterans Association.  

First you will need to click on the About us section of our Website.  

Second, you will need to click on Business

Third, you will need to click on the Finances section, this will bring up the Deferred Income 
section of our Web-site.  This will tell you who has paid there dues and how far they are 
paid up too.  

If you are not on that list, you are not considered a member and will not receive flowers from 2/3 in 
the event of your death.  Both myself and John Fuller paid for the flowers for Hillbilly Croft even though
he was not a paid up member.  

We are a proud bunch of Marines, but at $5.00 per year for dues, I don't think it is asking to much to 
pay for your dues.  

You will need to pay your dues to 2/3 Vietnam Veterans Association
                                                 1437 W. Utopia Rd.
                                                 Phoenix, AZ  85027

Semper Fi

Art Ferguson
2/3 Vietnam Veterans Association

SF  Poness

Comments (1)

1. Namvet101ab said on 11/20/20 - 02:21AM
I am a Doggy that helped support Marines out of Vandy Operation Dewey Canyon. I am hoping the same brave men then are brave enough now to verbalize their suppport of ungoing voter fraud investigation that many want to cancel. We all fought for the integrity of our vote. Tell all we still do. Step up now like you did years ago freedoms we all enjoy not free and will die if we remain silent. Reach out to all you know to support this reguardless of result integrity matters God Bless America.

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