Changes needed from Fergy! : The Rent-A-Battalion blog
2nd Battalion 3rd Marines Vietnam Veterans Association

Changes needed from Fergy!

by Ron Poness on 07/20/17

Marines, we have a lot of catching up to do.  

First, we need to update our By-Laws per changes during the San Antonio Reunion.  I will be willing to re-do
our By-Laws unless someone else would like to do it.  This needs to be done to facilitate the process of 
getting to our non-profit status.  

Second, I have completed and filed 1120 Corporate Income Tax's for 9/30/2014; 9/30/2015 and 9/30/2016.  
9/30/2014 cost us $551 and 9/30/2015 cost us $83, we had a net operating loss for 9/30/2016 and I have
elected to carryforward the small loss to 9/30/2017.  

Third, We need to update our Officers section in the History area of our web-site for current years officers.

Fourth, we need to get our annual newsletter out to our members, I will need to have word documents that I
can merge together from Art Ward, Al Simpson and Ed Kreiser.  You can refer to last years Newsletter
for examples of how it was done.  

No rest for the wicked !!!!

Semper Fi


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